A identidade do trabalhador cooperado em uma organização popular e solidária de trabalho: o caso da Cooperativa de Mulheres do Parque São Bartolomeu, Salvador, Bahia
Bunchaft, Alexandra Flávio
Bunchaft, Alexandra Flávio
O presente trabalho buscou analisar a identidade do trabalhador cooperado em
uma organização popular e solidária de trabalho, procurando identificar aspectos que
caracterizam as relações laborais cooperativas, distinguindo-as de grupos profissionais
que mantêm relações verticais de trabalho, as dimensões envolvidas na identidade de
cooperado, as mudanças vivenciadas após a inserção na cooperativa as ênfases dadas
pela incubadora ao processo de incubação. Tratou-se de pesquisa qualitativa, um
estudo de caso instrumental, com corte longitudinal e uma abordagem
multimetodológica. Adotou-se quatro fontes de coleta de dados: descrição do macroambiente
da região, por meio da técnica de estimativa rápida e análise dos dados
secundários do Censo de 2000; análise documental; observação participante; e grupos
focais. Participaram vinte mulheres, cooperadas, de etnia negra, residentes na região
do Subúrbio Ferroviário de Salvador. Optou-se pela análise de conteúdo e
argumentativa. Constatou-se que os processos de socialização para o trabalho das
cooperadas foram diversificados, sendo que todas tiveram na COOPERCONFEC a sua
primeira experiência profissional cooperativa. Tornar-se cooperada envolveu cinco
principais relações e distintos impactos: com a incubadora (apoio técnico e financeiro
provisório), com a comunidade (valorização da localidade), com os clientes
(profissionalização), com os pares (identidade coletiva) e consigo mesmas (aumento de
auto-estima). Uma das conclusões principais é que ser cooperada da
COOPERCONFEC envolveu cinco dimensões, com focos distintos, embora com
oscilações, nos vínculos grupais: psicossocial (foco na ajuda mútua), organizacional
(foco no sentimento de pertencimento a um grupo organizado de trabalho), racional
(foco na relação meios-fins), político-econômica (foco na distribuição de poder e de
ganhos) e legal (foco na institucionalização do grupo). Observou-se finalmente que a
identidade de cooperado é um fenômeno complexo e multifacetado, que será
continuamente reconstruído ao longo da trajetória dos membros da cooperativa. The present work tried to analyze the identity of the cooperative worker in a
communal and fraternal work organization; identify aspects which will characterize
cooperative labor relations, as well as the dimensions involved in the cooperative
identity and the changes experienced after the insertion into the cooperative;
analyze the value given to the mother cell during incubation. Qualitative research
was made, which consists of a case study, with a longitudinal cut, using a multi
methodological study. Four sources of data collection were employed: description of
macro-environment of the region, through fast estimate and analysis of secondary
data from the 2000 year Census; documental analysis; focus groups; interactive
observation. Twenty cooperative African Brazilian women participated, all of them
living in the region of the Suburban Train Area of Salvador. The content and
argumentative analysis was chosen. It was understood that the socialization
processes to the work of the cooperative women were diverse, and all of the
workers had their first professional cooperative experience in COOPERCONFEC.
Becoming a cooperative worker involved five main relations and distinct impacts:
with the mother cell (provisory technical and financial support), with the community
(value of the location), with clients (professionalism), with pairs (collective identity),
and with themselves (increase in the self-esteem). One of the main conclusions is
that being a cooperative worker from COOPERCONFEC takes five dimensions into
consideration, with distinct focus on the group relations: psycho-social (emphasis on
the mutual help), organizational (emphasis on the feeling of belonging to a work
organized group), rational (emphasis on the middle-endings relation), politicaleconomical
(emphasis on the distribution of power and of credits), and legal
(emphasis on the institutionalization of the group), although there were variations on
the focus. It was observed, finally, that the identity of a cooperative worker is a
complex and multi faced phenomenon. It will continually be rebuilt throughout the
trajectory of the members of the cooperative. The present work tried to analyze the identity of the cooperative worker in a
communal and fraternal work organization; identify aspects which will characterize
cooperative labor relations, as well as the dimensions involved in the cooperative
identity and the changes experienced after the insertion into the cooperative;
analyze the value given to the mother cell during incubation. Qualitative research
was made, which consists of a case study, with a longitudinal cut, using a multi
methodological study. Four sources of data collection were employed: description of
macro-environment of the region, through fast estimate and analysis of secondary
data from the 2000 year Census; documental analysis; focus groups; interactive
observation. Twenty cooperative African Brazilian women participated, all of them
living in the region of the Suburban Train Area of Salvador. The content and
argumentative analysis was chosen. It was understood that the socialization
processes to the work of the cooperative women were diverse, and all of the
workers had their first professional cooperative experience in COOPERCONFEC.
Becoming a cooperative worker involved five main relations and distinct impacts:
with the mother cell (provisory technical and financial support), with the community
(value of the location), with clients (professionalism), with pairs (collective identity),
and with themselves (increase in the self-esteem). One of the main conclusions is
that being a cooperative worker from COOPERCONFEC takes five dimensions into
consideration, with distinct focus on the group relations: psycho-social (emphasis on
the mutual help), organizational (emphasis on the feeling of belonging to a work
organized group), rational (emphasis on the middle-endings relation), politicaleconomical
(emphasis on the distribution of power and of credits), and legal
(emphasis on the institutionalization of the group), although there were variations on
the focus. It was observed, finally, that the identity of a cooperative worker is a
complex and multi faced phenomenon. It will continually be rebuilt throughout the
trajectory of the members of the cooperative.
KEY WORDS: Cooperative Worker identity. People’s cooperativism. Socialization
process to the work.