dc.creatorBoschetti, Wiliam
dc.creatorRampazzo, Roger T.
dc.creatorDessuy, Morgana B.
dc.creatorVale, Maria Goreti R.
dc.creatorRios, Alessandro de Oliveira
dc.creatorHertz, Plinho
dc.creatorManfroi, Vitor
dc.creatorCelso, Paulo G.
dc.creatorFerrão, Marco F.
dc.creatorBoschetti, Wiliam
dc.creatorRampazzo, Roger T.
dc.creatorDessuy, Morgana B.
dc.creatorVale, Maria Goreti R.
dc.creatorRios, Alessandro de Oliveira
dc.creatorHertz, Plinho
dc.creatorManfroi, Vitor
dc.creatorCelso, Paulo G.
dc.creatorFerrão, Marco F.
dc.identifierv. 111
dc.description.abstractA method has been developed to determine 10 elements in Brazilian red wines using high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry, a technique that allows the fast sequential determination of an essentially unlimited number of elements per sample, each one under previously optimized conditions. All measurements were made without sample preparation, using aqueous standard solutions for calibration. The results were in agreement within 99% of confidence (t-test) with those obtained by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The same grape, Cabernet sauvignon, was used in all experiments, and the wines from each region were prepared especially for this investigation in order to avoid any confusion due to grapes from other regions, which are often used in commercial wines. The elements K, Mn, Rb and Sr were found to be the best indicators for the origin of the wines, based on a Principal Component Analysis.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMetals in wine
dc.subjectHigh-resolution continuum source flame AAS
dc.subjectOrigin of wine
dc.subjectMulti-element determination
dc.subjectPrincipal Component Analysis
dc.subjectHierarchical Cluster Analysis
dc.titleDetection of the origin of Brazilian wines based on the determination of only four elements using high-resolution continuum source flame AAS
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico

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