dc.creatorMarta-Almeida, Martinho
dc.creatorRuiz-Villarreal, Manuel
dc.creatorOtero, Pablo
dc.creatorCobas, Marcos
dc.creatorPeliz, Álvaro
dc.creatorNolasco, Rita
dc.creatorCirano, Mauro
dc.creatorPereira, Janini
dc.creatorMarta-Almeida, Martinho
dc.creatorRuiz-Villarreal, Manuel
dc.creatorOtero, Pablo
dc.creatorCobas, Marcos
dc.creatorPeliz, Álvaro
dc.creatorNolasco, Rita
dc.creatorCirano, Mauro
dc.creatorPereira, Janini
dc.identifierv. 26, n. 5.
dc.description.abstractCoastal and regional ocean forecasts can be currently performed on a daily basis due to the advances in numerical techniques and in computational resources. Maintenance of routine forecasts is a demanding task from the point of view of software engineering since it involves a number of new additional tasks difficult to code efficiently in the compiled languages in which ocean models are written. In this contribution, we present a set of free, open-source, portable and fast modules named OOF3 e Operational Ocean Forecast Python Engine that provide a way to cope with the demanding requirements of routine execution of a regional ocean model written in a compiled language (namely the Regional Ocean Modelling System, ROMS, developed in Fortran) and that make the forecast process possible and fully automatic and robust.
dc.sourceDOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.11.015
dc.subjectOperational modelling
dc.subjectOcean forecast
dc.titleOOF3: A Python engine for automating regional and coastal ocean forecasts
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico

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