dc.creatorMartins, M. A. F.
dc.creatorRequião, R.
dc.creatorKalid, Ricardo de Araújo
dc.creatorMartins, M. A. F.
dc.creatorRequião, R.
dc.creatorKalid, Ricardo de Araújo
dc.identifierv. 44.
dc.description.abstractThe Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) requires the use of a first-order Taylor series expansion for propagating uncertainties. However, when the mea-surement function is strongly non-linear the use of this linear approximation may be inad-equate and therefore higher order terms from the Taylor series cannot be neglected. The present paper aims to derive generalized expressions of second and third order for the evaluation of the estimate of a measurand and its associated standard uncertainty. A case study is given to illustrate an application of the proposed methods and the results obtained with the GUM method are compared to the corresponding ones when applying the method proposed in GUM Supplement 1.
dc.subjectMeasurement uncertainty
dc.subjectHigher order uncertainties
dc.subjectPropagation of uncertainties
dc.subjectMonte Carlo method
dc.subjectNon-linear models
dc.titleGeneralized expressions of second and third order for the evaluation of standard measurement uncertainty
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico

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