dc.creatorAlmeida Filho, Naomar Monteiro de
dc.creatorAlmeida Filho, Naomar Monteiro de
dc.identifierv.17, n.4
dc.description.abstractIn order to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the conditions allowing for a General Theory of Health, the author explores two important structural dimensions of the scientific health field: the socio-anthropological dimension and the epistemological dimension. As a preliminary semantic framework, he adopts the following definitions in English and Portuguese for two series of meanings: disease = patologia, disorder = transtorno, illness = enfermidade, sickness = doença, and malady = moléstia. He begins by discussing some sociological theories and biomedical concepts of health-disease, which, despite their limitations, can be used as a point of departure for this undertaking, given the dialectical and multidimensional nature of the disease-illness-sickness complex (DIS). Second, he presents and evaluates some underlying socio-anthropological theories of disease, taking advantage of the opportunity to highlight the semeiologic treatment of health-disease through the theory of "signs, meanings, and health practices". Third, he analyzes several epistemological issues relating to the Health theme, seeking to justify its status as a scientific object. Finally, the author focuses the discussion on a proposal to systematize various health concepts as an initial stage for the theoretical construction of the Collective Health field.
dc.publisherCadernos de Saúde Pública
dc.subjectEpidemiologic Models
dc.subjectTheoretical Models
dc.subjectEpidemiologic Methods
dc.subjectModelos Epidemiológicos
dc.subjectModelos Teóricos
dc.subjectMétodos Epidemiológicos
dc.titleFor a General Theory of Health: preliminary epistemological and anthropological notes
dc.typeArtigo de Periódico

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