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An inorganic complex that inhibits mycobacterium tuberculosis enoyl reductase as a prototype of a new class of chemotherapeutic agents to treat tuberculosis
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Here we describe inhibitory activity of IQG607, pentacyano(isoniazid)ferrate(II), on isoniazid-sensitive and isoniazid-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, oral toxicity, and efforts to adapt IQG607 synthesis to large chemical reactors. IQG607 represents a founding member of a new class of lead compounds aiming at inhibition of a validated and druggable molecular target. Descrevemos a atividade inibitória do IQG607, pentaciano(isoniazida)ferrato(II), frente a
cepas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis tanto resistentes quanto sensíveis à isoniazida, assim como
a toxicidade oral e a adaptação da síntese química do IQG607 para reatores maiores. O IQG607
representa um potencial agente quimioterápico que inibe um alvo molecular definido.