| doctoralThesis
Orifício de perfuração dural e perda de líquido cefalorraquidiano: influência da espessura da dura-máter/aracnóide e do calibre, desenho e direção do bisel da agulha de punção
MOURA, Tiago Pacheco de
É sabido que a perda de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) é o principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento da cefaleia pós-punção dural (CPPD). Sabe-se, também, que o sexo é um fator independente para o desenvolvimento da CPPD, sendo o sexo feminino o de maior incidência. Estudos experimentais avaliaram vários fatores que podem causar o aumento no extravasamento de LCR, porém, nenhum deles comparou a perda de LCR pós-punção entre os sexos. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de desenvolver um modelo experimental com a finalidade de simular uma punção dural e mensurar a perda de solução salina a 0,9% após o procedimento, bem como, comparar essa perda entre os sexos. This study investigated, in the form of an experiment, the leakage of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) after dural puncture, and standardized the type of needle and manner of puncture, in order to make a direct comparison between males and females. Spinal anesthesia, which is carried out through dural puncture, was developed in 1800, and soon after, one of its side effects, postdural puncture headache (PDPH) was identified. PDPH was found to be the consequence of the loss of CSF. After the loss of CSF was identified like the main cause od PDPH, several pieces of research were carried out with the aim of minimizing the loss of CSF. The diameter of the needle was reduced, and the way of introducing it was changed. Studies also indentified a higher incidence of PDPH in females. In this study, we developed a dural sac model made of acrylic with a height of 40 centimeters (cm) and total volume of 170 mililiters (ml) and a dural attachment, mimicking an in vivo scnerario. The dura mater fragment was attached in cephalocaudal direction, maintaining the anatomical orientation of the tissue, they were perforated by a 27G Quincke needle. Saline solution 0.9% was used, which resembles CSF composition, the liquid volume was kept the same by replacement of each 10 minutes analyzed, with the total of 60 minutes. Comparing the total volume of liquid outflow by gender, there was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.029) the liquid outflow was higher using female-derived dura mater fragments than male-derived fragments, the results of the male sample demonstrated total median volume of 10ml (1,7ml = P25; P75 = 18,7ml) and female samples demonstrated a total median volume of 33,8ml (6,2ml = P25; P75 = 83ml). We conclude that exists inside dura structure, a mechanical component, which gradually reduces the loss of liquid and pieces of dura extends as a partial plug from the wall of the puncture site into the lumen, which is also filled with debris.