Relação da força de preensão manual e teste de força máxima no leg press para a predição de cargas em jovens universitários destreinados.
2015-11-30Registro en:
MEDEIROS, Vitor Rubem de Lucena Azevedo. Relação da força de preensão manual e teste de força máxima no leg press para a predição de cargas em jovens universitários destreinados. 2015. 30f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Educação Física) - Departamento de Educação Física. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, 2015.
Medeiros, Vitor Rubem de Lucena Azevedo
Physical activity plays a key role in people's lives, now looking to develop activity weathered charges in the academies has increased and the problems faced by professionals is the charge of the selection for a beginner individual, The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship a simple test of grip using a dynamometer and uses it to obtain a mathematical scheme for the teacher to have security and belief in the maximum load supported by individual and able to work in the desired intensity, making the most effective prescription making the load is not below the acceptable limit for promoting necessary adjustments and consequently decreasing the risk that excessive loads may cause. The study population consisted of 30 subjects, 17 males and 13 females. Participants answered the questionnaire IPAC - short version - then anthropometric measurements were recorded (weight, height and age.) And then applying the handgrip test and 1RM test in the leg press. Statistical analysis was performed using the Eviews 8.1® software, following the multiple linear regression model. We find the following equation in the study RM Leg Press = α + β + β * Sex * height + β + β * age * Weight + β * PD + β * PE + ε. To estimate the values of the β parameters of each variable was made a multiple linear regression by ordinary least squares. The gender factor, meant 10% difference in the results found in 1RM tests, as a result of the study, found significant differences in which men had 130kg maximum load more than women, than a centimeter in height means 543g more in charge and that a kilogram of weight produces on average a loss of 3,04kg performance. Thus we can conclude that the handgrip test is valid for 1RM load forecast untrained university from the proposed mathematical model, although requiring further research.