A constituição da identidade docente na escrita de memoriais em turmas de magistério
2016-07-29Registro en:
COSTA, Marliane Azevedo Lira de Medeiros. A constituição da identidade docente na escrita de memoriais em turmas de magistério. 2016. 136f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Costa, Marliane Azevedo Lira de Medeiros
Listening the teacher’s voice in initial training is a decisive factor to understand the dialogical relations permeated the constitution of this subject who chooses teaching as a profession still at high scholl level (professional). Thus, this research intends to analyse the constitution of the teaching identity of the students of the Normal Modality of the Escola Estadual Berilo Wanderley from the memorial discursive genre analysis. Compose the corpus of the research ten memorials produced in the period from 2013 to 2014 by graduates of the Course Teacher of this school located in Natal/RN. This research has base in some theoretical assumptions, among which those coming from the Circle of Bakhtin (2009, 2010) on the design dialogical conception of language, social voices, alterity and Hall (2014) with the concept of identity. According to the Bakhtin assumptions every statements always emerges and necessarily in a satured cultural context of meanings and values and is always a responsive act, that is, a position in this context. Soon this research that supports this work is qualitative socio-historical orientation and inserts in the field of The Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006). It starts from the assumption that teaching and training are productions historical singularize life-long and that the production of the memorials enables the analysis of the formation process revealing the experiences, memories and thoughts relating to the trajectory of the training.That said, the conceptions of voices and alterity /identity are the categories of analysis. In statements it reaveled that the voices on the writing of the speech genre memorial and the professional course demonstrate the relevant role of the both reflective writing as the course in the process of identify formation of future teachers, making them understand the importance of training in the career of a teacher. As regards to the second category: the relations of alterity/ identity with the teaching, that becomes very significant is that the choice/identification with the teaching profession is not only constituted in the professional course, but over the family/school education. The latter being more striking because of the presence of many memories in which teachers are valued as examples, and thus provide elements to form a concept of what is to be a teacher and complexity surrounding the profession. In this sense, there is an identity traits that point to certain similarities with respect to: school life of students, the search for the teaching and education level of the family, therefore confirming that identity is constructed in interactions and the situated experiences and historically marked.