Desenvolvimento de um sistema Inteligente para a análise de cartas dinamométricas no método de elevação por bombeio mecânico
2009-06-26Registro en:
GOMES, Heitor Penalva. Desenvolvimento de um sistema Inteligente para a análise de cartas dinamométricas no método de elevação por bombeio mecânico. 2009. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Ciência e Engenharia de Petróleo) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2009.
Gomes, Heitor Penalva
The artificial lifting of oil is needed when the pressure of the reservoir is not high enough so that the fluid contained in it can reach the surface spontaneously. Thus the increase in energy supplies artificial or additional fluid integral to the well to come to
the surface. The rod pump is the artificial lift method most used in the world and the dynamometer card (surface and down-hole) is the best tool for the analysis of a well equipped with such method. A computational method using Artificial Neural Networks
MLP was and developed using pre-established patterns, based on its geometry, the downhole card are used for training the network and then the network provides the knowledge for classification of new cards, allows the fails diagnose in the system and operation conditions of the lifting system. These routines could be integrated to a supervisory system that collects the cards to be analyzed