Olfactory bulb drives respiration-coupled beta oscillations in the rat hippocampus
Lockmann, André LV
Laplagne, Diego Andrés
Tort, Adriano Bretanha Lopes
The synchronization of neuronal oscillations has been suggested as a mechanism to coordinate information flow between distant brain regions. In particular, the olfactory bulb (OB) and the hippocampus (HPC) have been shown to exhibit oscillations in the beta frequency range (10-20 Hz) that are likely to support communication between these structures. Here we further characterize features of beta oscillations in OB and HPC of rats anesthetized with urethane. We find that beta oscillations simultaneously appear in HPC and OB and phase-lock across structures. Moreover, Granger causality analysis reveals that OB beta activity drives HPC beta. The laminar voltage profile of beta in HPC shows the maximum amplitude in the dentate gyrus, spatially coinciding with olfactory inputs to this region. Finally, we also find that the respiratory cycle and respiration-coupled field potential rhythms (1-2 Hz) - but not theta oscillations (3-5 Hz) - modulate beta amplitude in OB and HPC. In all, our results support the hypothesis that beta activity mediates the communication between olfactory and hippocampal circuits in the rodent brain. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. 2018-09-22