Educação interprofissional e as ações formativas do eixo do provimento emergencial do Programa Mais Médicos
2019-09-16Registro en:
Freire Filho, José Rodrigues
Magnago, Carinne
Costa, Marcelo Viana da
Forster, Aldaísa Cassanho
This article aimed to identify if the formative actions of the axis the emergency provision of the More Doctors Program are based on theoretical and methodological elements of interprofessional education from the perspective of the participants of the program. It is an exploratory study, developed in 2016, in Brazil. Data were collected through individual interviews (n=30) and nine focus groups (n=52), and treated by content analysis, which produced three categories: Assumptions of interprofessional education set forth in the formative cycles of the More Doctors; Changes in the process of teamwork, from the perspective of the elements of interprofessional education, triggered by the formative cycles; Difficulties for the approach of interprofessional education in the formative cycles. Among the elements enunciated in the formative processes are the learning about the role of each profession, the sharing of experiences, and the centrality of care in the patient. However, the fundamental precept of interprofessional education of learning between two or more professions is not applied. The More Doctors constitutes a propitious policy for the strengthening of interprofessionality, because its proposal is based on the logic of permanent education, which demands the establishment of a relationship of mutual influence between education and work in health