Cannabis como tendência do mercado turístico em países legalizados
2022-07-13Registro en:
SILVA, Maria Luiza Vieira da. Cannabis como tendência do mercado turístico em países legalizados. 2022. 22f. Monografia (Graduação em Turismo) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Silva, Maria Luiza Vieira da
This study aims to demonstrate the Cannabis economic potential in the Tourism context as a new growing segment in legalized and decriminalized countries. This is a qualitative research that uses an explanatory-exploratory method. About the study’s universe and field, were selected countries where the marijuana is legalized and decriminalized for recreational and medical purposes and which also have higher tourist visibility in this segment. Literature review, document research and online interviews were the techniques used for data collection, and the literature was reviewed for data analysis. Economic impacts of marijuana tourism are evaluated in three levels: direct, indirect and induced (KANG, O’LEARY & MILLER, 2016), especially in destinations with the Medical Tourism segmentation in addition to the Cannabis recreational use. It is expected to expand the Cannabis Tourism knowledge, desmitify the activity and purpose a reflection in the academy about this tourism segmentation.