O avanço do neoconservadorismo e a extrema-direita no Brasil: uma análise a partir da Campanha Eleitoral de 2018 ao Governo Bolsonaro
2022-07-14Registro en:
MARTINS, Erikssonara Thalessa da Câmara. O avanço do neoconservadorismo e a extrema-direita no Brasil: uma análise a partir da Campanha Eleitoral de 2018 ao Governo Bolsonaro. 2022. 62f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Martins, Erikssonara Thalessa da Câmara
The present work deals with the advance of the neoconservative offensive on the rise in Brazil and in the world instrumentalized by the extreme right that emerged in recent years in a process of reorganization of the ruling classes, given the numerous victories won from a new modus operandi of action. political-ideological using a reinterpretation of the conservative discourse. Here, developments of neoconservatism in the current Brazilian scenario will be presented and analyzed, considering that it is widely spread in politics, economics, education, culture, affective relationships, the judiciary and, unfortunately, in science and health. The objective of this work is to understand how neoconservatism has been consolidated in the last decade in our country, especially in the 2018 electoral campaign, for this we analyze the strategies of spreading the neoconservative discourse in a context of political and economic crisis, which was gestated even during the governments of the Workers' Party (PT) and, which erupted during the 2018 electoral race, when we observed the emergence of a dispute of media narratives polarizing the country and arousing enormous social tension that has intensified in recent years in Brazil. We also analyze the neoconservative attack of the neoliberal state's mechanisms of control and reproduction of inequality. We immediately highlight the influence of neoconservatism for the resurgence of oppression and violence on class, gender, color, ethnicity and sexuality in recent years in Brazil, as some results obtained through the study carried out. This work focuses on discussions and analyzes from a qualitative literature review. In view of this, we seek to identify bibliographies in which the authors highlight reflections and problematizations related to conservatism, neoconservatism and neoliberalism. To understand our object of study, we have dialectical historical materialism as a method of analysis.