| masterThesis
Fatores que afetam o comportamento de compras impulsivas de cupons de hospedagem em sites de compras coletivas
2014-04-25Registro en:
SENA JÚNIOR, Otávio Bezerra de. Fatores que afetam o comportamento de compras impulsivas de cupons de hospedagem em sites de compras coletivas. 2014. 110f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Turismo) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2014.
Sena Júnior, Otávio Bezerra de
The impulse buying has been studied since the 1950s, and during that time, both efforts to explain its own concept underwent significant changes. However, there are still several gaps that need to be fulfilled, especially in respect to a model of antecedents and consequences, particularly in the tourism virtual environment. In this context, the emergence of electronic commerce come on the market of collective shopping sites, where your logic of functioning resides mainly in generating impulsive buying. In light of this scenario, this new environment of e-commerce has focused on the tourism sector, generating changes in the supply chain distribution of this industry and consumer behavior. In this sense, this study aims to analyze Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the factors that affect impulse buying of hosting coupons on group buying sites. The research was characterized as exploratory-descriptive, with quantitative approach to data collection was used among tourists in the departure lounges of the Augusto Severo International Airport. The sample composition reached 220 valid questionnaires, through the application of a structured questionnaire with closed questions. The strategy of analysis was the multiple linear regression, operationalized through software SPSS©. The main results showed that the cognitive dimension has a strong influence on impulsivity tourist, and in the background the affective components. Moreover, the constructs "in-store browsing" and " environment” not exerted indicated a strong relationship with impulsivity, despite the widespread influence on the explanatory power in the final model.