dc.contributorSantos, Antônio de Pádua dos
dc.contributorSantos, Antônio de Pádua dos Santos
dc.contributorCosta, Mackson Luiz Fernandes da
dc.contributorDias, Maria Aparecida
dc.creatorLeite, Rafaella de Oliveira
dc.identifierLEITE, Rafaella de Oliveira. Educação Física no Ensino Médio: sistematização de aulas do conteúdo lutas a partir de concepções críticas na prática pedagógica. 2016. 54f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Educação Física) - Departamento de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis report of experience is a final work of conclusion of the Undergraduate Course in Physical Education Degree and aims to describe the experience of a systematization of teaching classes of struggles with open teaching conception in high school, with the aim of proposing new possibilities Of the teaching of this modality in the context of the School Physical Education, at the same time that it tries to instill in the teachers of Physical Education school that it is possible, through an open methodology, to ally the struggles to the teaching so that the cultural, cognitive values are transmitted To students in the same way that motor skills are, preparing students for life. For Hildebrandt (2005), in the didactic and pedagogical situations of Physical Education should give way to playfulness, stimulating the creativity of teachers and students, making possible new discoveries, reformulating certainties, to perceive them and to feel them through play. Experience has shown how wrestling can be used in a playful way, without having to choose the more agile, more skillful students, that is, to demand their talents, having to overcome their limits, but Their culture and the society to which they are participating and acting in their integral development. It is believed that if teaching with open methodology - whether through the application of classes of struggles or not - is carried out following these precepts will contribute to a more meaningful education and learning for high school youth. Thus, these young people will be able to perceive how comprehensive the teaching of the struggles is, not based on this, only in the application of techniques, but mainly to the meaning that the sport brings to their lives and the transformation of the human being. How important is their participation in School Physical Education classes.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEducação Física
dc.subjectEducação Física
dc.subjectEnsino Médio
dc.subjectEnsino Aberto
dc.titleEducação Física no Ensino Médio: sistematização de aulas do conteúdo lutas a partir de concepções críticas na prática pedagógica

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