Capacidades estatais dos governos municipais nas políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação: as experiências de Campina Grande/PB, Recife/PE e Natal/RN
2022-04-20Registro en:
MELO, Cadmiel Mergulhão Onofre de. Capacidades estatais dos governos municipais nas políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação: as experiências de Campina Grande/PB, Recife/PE e Natal/RN. 2022. 219f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Melo, Cadmiel Mergulhão Onofre de
This research adresses state capacities – the resources, skills, knowledge and instruments in
reach for use by the state (GRIN; DEMARCO; ABRUCIO, 2021; SOUZA, 2015) – as essential
to the completion of the developmental process of any nation-state, specially through the
promotion of technological innovation policies. Brazil is included in this challenge, where
brazilian municipalities have been given federated entity responsibilities as a way of making
public policies in tune with demands from the population, which have put them leading
discussions about brazilian development (LOTTA; VAZ, 2015). However, the decentralisation
of such responsibilities was not accompanied by the decentralisation of the decision power over
those policies, nor the the concern of giving those municipalities the state capacities required
to conduct their new roles (ARRETCHE, 2012; LOTTA; VAZ, 2015). Such scenario implicates
reduced capacities that do not allow municipalities to propose science, technology and
innovation (STI) policies, making them resort to the participation in institutional arrangements
of such policies coordinated by other institutional actors, mainly those associated to the triple
helix (ETZKOWITZ, 2013), such as policies for technological parks. In this way, the
municipality participating in the arrangement is understood as a mean of taking advantage of
the experience and its policy results in order to gain knowledge and resources on how to propose
initiatives in STI, allowing for new state capacities to be built. This configuration is especially
relevant to municipalities out of the brazilian industrial concentration zone, where a
technological park can be a viable option as a starter for a STI research and economic sector,
something that could “replace” the industry factor in promoting new technologies. In order to
better understand this phenomenon, this research aims to investigate if state capacities engaged
by the municipal governments of Natal/RN, Campina Grande/PB and Recife/PE in the
institutional arrangements of the technological parks Metrópole Digital, Fundação Parque
Tecnológico da Paraíba and Porto Digital originated the current state capacities of those
governments in the policy area of science, technology and innovation. The methodology was
conducted by a qualitative approach, making use of the multiple cases study (CHMILIAR,
2010; CRESWELL, 2003; KING; KEOHANE; VERBA, 1994), in which representatives from
governments, universities, technological innovation economies and technological parks were
interviewed and secondary data about the institutional arrangements and state capacities from
the selected municipal governments were gathered. The results show that for two of the three
cases there were evidences suggesting expanded state capacities since the arrangement, where
the experience of the implementation in each case has established new or stronger partnerships
between the municipal government and actors involved, including with the newly implemented
technological parks, which matured overtime. That allowed the formation of a own municipal
STI policy agenda that included initiaives ranging from the creation of own bureaucratic
structures within the municipal government to the promotion of large-scale actions, together
with local institutional actors, for the development of the area in their municipalities.