O espaço sagrado de Santa Cruz dos Milagres
2013-10-14Registro en:
DIAS, Edilene Gonçalves do Nascimento. O espaço sagrado de Santa Cruz dos Milagres. 2013. 93f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2013.
Dias, Edilene Gonçalves do Nascimento
This study aimed to investigate the factors that led to the formation of the sacred space of the
city of Santa Cruz dos Milagres in the state of Piauí, in the mid-nineteenth century,
highlighting the means by which people participated and participates in this religious
manifestation, legitimizing their practice. This paper focuses on the emergence of a sacred
space that has managed to achieve significant local representation that concentrates thousands
of faithful. Interested in observing the relationship between man and the sacred, identifying
the space as something always in process capable of producing hierophanies. The Shrine of
the Holy Cross of Miracles is a religion that has attractive landscape as a holy place, this
being due to the religious practices embedded in it. The landscape changes with the arrival of
people from the neighborhood, neighboring municipalities and other states. This is the golden
age of man's encounter with the sacred.