Análise do padrão de consumo concernente aos modelos de negócio sustentáveis produtores de cosméticos
2019-06-12Registro en:
SACUTE, Yasmin Nobre. Análise do padrão de consumo concernente aos modelos de negócio sustentáveis produtores de cosméticos. 2019. 68f. Monografia (Graduação de Administração) - Departamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Sacute, Yasmin Nobre
The responsibility about consumption and sustainability has began a relevant aspect in our society. Seen this, this research kept focus on identify the relatives that make people buy sustainable cosmetic. Approaching about the consumption’s history, until how is the current relationship between the market and the consumers. To find out the actual consumption pattern about sustainable business model, this research was built by applied nature, descriptive purpose and quantitative approach. To get information in order to achieve the survey goals, a questionnaire was applied with a sample of 65 participants. Which, according to the calculated data, it was possible to identify the factors that induce positively and negatively the sustainable cosmetics consumption. Some of these were previously discussed by this research, like: Healthy; Environmental concern; Product quality; Company reputation; Product price and Influence by others.