Minha vida daria um filme?: geografias de vida em territórios de corpos, gêneros e sexualidades
2018-02-22Registro en:
CARVALHO FILHO, Evanilson Gurgel de. Minha vida daria um filme?: geografias de vida em territórios de corpos, gêneros e sexualidades. 2018. 209f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Carvalho Filho, Evanilson Gurgel de
The presente work is linked to (auto) biographical reasearch in a post-critical
perspective and takes as its object the connections between bodies, genders and
sexualities in the initial formation of science teachers. The research question that
mobilized my writing was: “What are the images that teachers of Science in formation
have about bodies, genders and sexuality?”. In order to answer this, I formulated as an
objective analyzing the images of future Science teachers about bodies, genders and
sexualities through their life stories. Working methodologically with elements of
cartography, I connect the triad body-sex-sexualities with life stories of future
Science teachers through the cinema curriculum. The results of this research
showed themselves multiples and multifacetad, not restricted to the analysis of the
narratives of the teachers, but also including: the composition of a fictitious-scientific
way of experimenting with life, inspired by works of science fiction and in my
encounter with the cartographic method elaborated by Deleuze and Guattari; the
creation of conceptual characters (The Wizard, The Great Lady and The Great
Writer); and the sketch of a map of geographies of life, a notion that begins to
understand the memories as territories to be explored and attempts to relativize the
potentially testementary character of the autobiographical accounts. As for the
results of the narratives of the teachers in formation, I was able to infer what the
images evokes by them can provide in terms of their future pedagogical practices
regarding the said triad. Thusm in addition to the blatant norms in the voices of
some of these subjects, I was able to pick up possibilities of welcoming this triad
and the lines of escape, bursting into the geographies of life mapped. I conclude
that there are flaws in the images of future Science teachers, wheteher in bodies
and/or sexuality, but that these subjects trigger the cinema curriculum so that the
lights of the seventh art go through the cracks of the curricula of teachers in
formation and their speeches. As for the possibility that their lives may be subject
to scripted writing, such subjects, in answering whether their lives would give a
film, have shown that it is possible to bring to (auto) biographical research the
possibility of reconfiguring what has been lived through an aesthetic that brings
our memories to works of art, blurring the boundaries between reality and fiction.