A prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil: o cuidar e o educar como ações integradoras do trabalho docente
2016-06Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Josefa Leidijane de. A prática pedagógica na Educação Infantil: o cuidar e o educar como ações integradoras do trabalho docente. 2016. 22f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Pedagogia a Distância), Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Oliveira, Josefa leidijane de
The understanding of the child as a being capable of producing, independent, active and forming opinions should be preceded by the need for teachers of early childhood education, and other professionals who work in this context, to meet new ideals, now facing the practice of care and educate the intrinsically their pedagogical activity. It should also enable greater learning and development for the child. Thus, the act of educating is intrinsically related to the practice of teaching to consider calling for official documents dealing with the Early Childhood Education in the Brazilian context. Thus, one learns that the practice of care and education should be thought of as inseparable from each other, and integrated into the teaching activity. It is against this background that the present study proposed to investigate about the care and education as integrative actions of teaching. As objectives sought to discuss and analyze the current conceptions of teachers of Child Education, Municipal Pre-School Magna Rodrigues Bezerra, located in Pylons in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on the act of care and education, as well as its implications for teaching practice. It also aimed to reflect as dual practice care-educate permeates the methodological issue of these professionals. For data collection was carried out a qualitative nature of research using as a methodological tool to literature review and field research, which data collection was done with four (4) teachers who responded to the survey questions. To this end, was based on Ortiz studies (2012), Gasparini (2009), Oliveira (2012), RCNEI (1998), DCNEI (1998), LDB (1996), Kramer (1999) and (2005), Gil ( 2009) among others. As the studies it is understood that there are within the new conceptions of teaching practice in early childhood education, the actions of care and education with primary attitudes to the success of teaching and learning. However, despite the understanding of the importance of this practice, many mishaps must be overcome, for example, the deficiency of school physical structure, educational support, and also the support of family of children. Thus, for a significant pedagogical practice based on the care and education is necessary investments both as regards the physical matter as pedagogical. On the other hand, it is understood that it is up to the teacher, even if no support or resources, work with what has to offer, seek and develop skills with creativity and dedication to their mediator of knowledge.