dc.creatorAmaro, Venerando Eustáquio
dc.creatorRocha Júnior, Josenberg
dc.identifierAMARO, V. E.; ROCHA JUNIOR, J. M. . Avaliação Ecológico-Econômica do manguezal na foz do Rio Açu/RN: o sequestro de carbono e a importância de práticas preservacionistas. Revista de Geologia (Fortaleza), v. 25, p. 71-71, 2012. Disponível em: http://www.periodicos.ufc.br/geologia/article/view/1361. Acesso em: 10 dez. 2020.
dc.description.abstractThis work evaluates the importance of the mangrove ecosystem in the municipalities of Macau, Porto do Mangue and adjacencies, in the Açu River mouth, in the ecological-economic context, and follows investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and/or mangroves forest environmental restoration, with a focus on carbon sequestration. Ecological potential of the mangroves was evaluated based on the Landsat-5 TM satellite imagery and digital image processing techniques that indicated areas of mud and sandy-mud flats with potential for environmental projects, if inserted in the rules of the Kyoto Protocol to Clean Development Mechanisms and the Carbon Market. The results revealed a total of 14,723.75 hectares area of shrimp farms and salt farms production activity that can be leveraged to sustainable environmental and socioeconomic development of the region, since 60% of this area, i.e. about 9,000 hectares, can be used in the planting of the Avicennia, considered the species that best capture atmospheric carbon average value, reaching 59.79 tons/ha of mangrove swamp
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Ceará
dc.subjectEcossistema manguezal
dc.subjectEconomia Ambiental
dc.subjectCréditos de Carbono
dc.titleAvaliação ecológico-econômica do manguezal na foz do rio Açu/RN: o sequestro de carbono e a importância da aplicação de práticas preservacionistas

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