Perfil da qualidade docente e desempenho discente na educação básica brasileira
2017-05-26Registro en:
NUNES JÚNIOR, José Edson Ferreira. Perfil da qualidade docente e desempenho discente na educação básica brasileira. 2017. 91f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Demografia) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Nunes Júnior, José Edson Ferreira
According to the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostras de Domicílios (PNAD), from 1992 to 2009, the enrollment rate of young people aged 15 to 17 rose from 59.7% to 85.2%. That is, the period of Brazilian population growth, together with its social development, has led to the growth of the school population. These increasing values only identify the need and importance of a more pronounced look at teachers. With the increasing attendance of students in schools, the role of teachers becomes increasingly complex, with more heads to manage and pass on their teachings. It has become necessary to expand the teaching staff to be able to serve the entire school population. Even more important than the expansion of the teaching staff, their qualification and qualification should also be expanded, since in the not so distant future, the fall in birth rates will decrease the population of school-age youth in Brazil. Thus, the high number of teachers will not be more relevant, but their qualities and professional skills. By saying that, this work is aimed specifically at teachers working in the basic education in Brazil and their personal, professional and academic characteristics, and how these characteristics affect the performance of their students. Thus, the main objective of this work is to determine the quality profile of 3rd year public high school teachers, and what is the relation of these profiles and their student’s academic performances. The data used were made available through the microdata of Prova Brasil 2013 (SAEB), carried out by INEP. The Grade of Membership (GoM) method was used to construct the pertinence profiles of teachers according to their characteristics. In the possession of these profiles, it was verified which teacher’s characteristics resulted in an effective way in good performances of their students in the evaluated curricular component. The results indicate three groups of teachers with different characteristics: a group considered the to be the one with higher quality, another one classified as medium quality, and the last one classified as poor quality profile. For each group outlined, the performance of their students was distinct, presenting higher performance those students associated with high quality teachers, and lower performance students with poor quality teachers.