Um corpo cavalgado: a pombagira como mito-guia na criação performática
2020-02-10Registro en:
BARROSO, Elze Maria de Oliveira. Um corpo cavalgado: a pombagira como mito-guia na criação performática. 2020. 209f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Artes Cênicas) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Barroso, Elze Maria de Oliveira
e work investigated the Afro-Brazilian myth
Pombagira from the perspective of guide-myth
(LYRA, 2013), experienced bodily from the
creation of a series of performances uncovered
by Mitologia em Arte (Mythodology in Art) (LYRA,
2013). Mitodologia em Arte proposes a path of
procedures in the restoration of image and myth
as devices of self-recognition. In the experience of
performing the Pombagira, the derogatory term
of “mulata” ends up being stretched, working on
a broader scope of female gures that are sexually
objecti ed and departing from a historical context
of discrimination due to their African matrices.
Being a black woman, the author-researcher
of this project, who embodies the gure of the
Pombagira, I wish to raise questions on societal
racism or structural racism in Brazil and on black
feminism, seeking to elaborate these issues in the
performing arts. In convergence with the material
of Mitologia em Arte, by Lyra (2013), this work also
seeks to dialogue with the concepts of Encruzilhada
(Crossroads), Pedagogia das Encruzilhadas (Pedagogy
of the Crossroads), by Luiz Ru no (2019), the myth
of the Pombagira, by Andréa Lage (2004), Stefania
Capone (2003), Reginaldo Prandi (1996), Racism, by
Grada Kilomba (2019), Intersectionality, by Angela
Davis (1981), and of performance art, by Renato
Cohen (2002).