Teoria da decisão sob condições de incerteza
2015-11-30Registro en:
FRANÇA, João Paulo Moura de. Teorias da decisão sob condições de incerteza. 2015. 59 f. Monografia (Bacharelado) - Curso de Economia, Departamento de Economia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
França, João Paulo Moura de
Nowadays, the world has gone through several social transformations through major
technological changes, mainly by information technology. From the moment that a huge flow
of data are generated and transmitted via optical and satellite network, reaching millions of
people, their ability to process this information may take two biases: they appropriate the
information filter and use them in their decisions, or simply discard them. This study aims to
present the main theories behind the decision of economic agents in this uncertain world,
dynamic and constantly changing. For this, it uses subfields of economics: economics
irrational - psychological concepts in economics, economics of uncertainty - theory of
expected utility, the information economy - the importance of communication technological
advances, and neuroeconomics - the role of emotion in decision-making; to plot ways to better
corroborate with the optimal decision under conditions of uncertainty. Finally, we realized
that interdisciplinary sciences (economics, psychology and neuroscience), is contributing to a
better and more effective analysis of decision making.