dc.contributorGaulke, Tamar Genz
dc.creatorMenezes Junior, Jose de Anchieta Rodrigues.
dc.identifierMENEZES JÚNIOR, José de Anchieta Rodrigues. Choros da quarentena: relato de experiência sobre a produção e utilização de obras autorais em prática musical e pedagógica. 2021. 108 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Música) – Escola de Música, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThis research explores the theme "composition as a pedagogical tool in music", showing through real facts that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic the importance of music creation for our evolution as music teachers and students and also as a representative form of the state emotional in that moment of isolation. This work aimed to highlight the importance of composition as a pedagogical tool for the evolution of the music student, whether in the classroom or in ensemble practice in their respective instrument. This work shows, through the reports written here, the labor-musical evolution of the musicians who proposed this action of composing, compositions, these made remotely due to the social isolation of the years 2020 and 2021. The result of these compositions helped the teacher-composers in their moments of study and work, proving that the compositional process is an act of evolution of conscious music making and for that a certain baggage of musical theory is needed. The pieces created here, were written in scores and used in the classroom by teachers and students as a form of group practice activity, were also used in choro circles and cultural presentations. As a composer, based on the musical creations made during the period, there was certainly an evolution also in musical writing and reading, as the compositions made the practice of writing in music, as a way of recording them, to be something recurrent during that period. period. The methodological paths used were the use of online conversation groups, where we shared parts of the songs composed. More than fifty songs were recorded, but the decision was to structure for composition and recording only thirty songs. The compositions are of the choro genre and were composed mostly in partnership. The result of this was a double disc, a book of scores, a launch show and their use in the classroom by students and teachers in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and in other Brazilian states.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Música.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectPrática de instrumento
dc.subjectEnsino da música
dc.titleChoros da quarentena: relato de experiência sobre a produção e utilização de obras autorais em prática musical e pedagógica

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