dc.contributorCabral Neto, Antonio
dc.contributorGarcia, Luciane Terra dos Santos
dc.contributorFrança, Magna
dc.contributorAzevedo, Marcio Adriano de
dc.contributorTavares, Andrezza Maria Batista do Nascimento
dc.contributorBatista, Maria do Socorro da Silva
dc.creatorSilva, Maria Aldeiza da
dc.identifierSILVA, Maria Aldeiza da. Formação lato sensu a distância em gestão escolar: a experiência dos gestores de escolas públicas do RN (2010-2012). 2015. 203f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
dc.description.abstractAnalyze the politic of distance training of managers in the basic education of the public school in Rio Grande do Norte, specifically in the Specialized Course of Scholar Management from Programa Nacional Escola de Gestores da Educação Básica, focusing on the possibility of contribution of the democratic management by the theoretical and methodological perspective in the process of scholar organization, from 2010 to 2012. To this work, a dialectic methodologic approach is used, comprehending a concrete reality, considering investigator political and ideological convictions and the object investigated, intending to: a) identify the conception of scholar management that is presented in the lato sensu course to the continuum training of managers, related to the democratic scholar manager; b) analyze the perspective of contribution of this continuum training of scholar managers to strengthen the principle of democratic scholar management by the students point of view; c) analyze intervention strategies proposed by continuum student training related to the democratic management theoretical and methodological perspective. The empiric field of study was Moodle platform that hosts this course. As students, it were considered people who participated in the forum, among 10 training groups, as well as those who presented their final work about the theme democratization of management. The corpus is composed by 252 messages posted in the forum and 45 researches, whose results point to the position that diverge/converge to the formation, they are: 1) students pointed fragilities in the work of the schools aiming to mobilize the scholar community to the realization of practices of democratic management; 2) they indicate contradictions among a new methodology proposed for the formation, the content organized to the course and the didactic and methodological strategies applied to the activities, because it were introduced to the management practices those that were beyond the principles that set out the formation; 3) in the conceptions of management that involves scholar manager work, student emphaticize bureaucratic practices and the conflicts between management and democratic conceptions; 4) students in their final scientific works showed, in general, proposes to intervene with actions in the Political-pedagogical Project, Participative Democratic Management and Scholar Council; 5) related to the distance education, the dropping out is detached due to students specific difficulties, for some training practices during the course, as well as by other situations during this formative process. Therefore, Escola de Gestores program consists in an important public political of teaching training that presents the bases to the democratic management of the school and contributes to the reviewing of the practices/conceptions, although it is possible to find out some contradictions in the process that conduct to the practices of managerialism.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGestão democrática
dc.subjectFormação de gestores escolares
dc.subjectFundamentos teóricos e metodológicos
dc.subjectEducação a distância
dc.titleFormação lato sensu a distância em gestão escolar: a experiência dos gestores de escolas públicas do RN (2010-2012)

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