Análise do desenvolvimento do Turismo na Praia de Pitangui/RN: estudo de caso baseado na percepção dos atores locais e veranistas
2022-06-15Registro en:
MANDU, Beatriz dos Ramos. Análise do desenvolvimento do Turismo na Praia de Pitangui/RN: estudo de caso baseado na percepção dos atores locais e veranistas. 2022. 44f. Monografia (Graduação em Turismo) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Mandu, Beatriz dos Ramos
Tourism is one of the main promises of generating jobs and income for coastal communities on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. However, not all of them manage to obtain the expected benefits in this sector for various reasons. With this in mind, this study was designed to analyze the factors that incite the positive or negative perception by local actors - residents, traders and public managers - and vacationers in relation to the practice of tourism in the locality over the last ten years. The research was divided into parts that explain the development of tourism in Rio Grande do Norte as a whole until reaching Pitangui beach, object of study of the present work. Associated with this, the concepts of sustainable development of tourism are brought as a complement to this idea, a relevant point for the understanding of the impacts produced by tourism in the receiving societies and the perception of them by the local actors how to exercise tourism in the best way. in current times. As a research approach, we opted for the qualitative-quantitative form, in order to achieve more precise results and with greater detail. The results obtained through the application of semi-structured questionnaires made it possible to conclude that both residents and vacationers believe in the strength of tourism for the locality, but that there is still much to improve, especially in relation to the infrastructure needed to serve tourism and public safety, can thus benefit the community significantly.