Otimização de perfis aerodinâmicos aplicados em aerogeradores do tipo TEEH utilizando algoritmo genético
2021-05-04Registro en:
FREITAS, ALLEF LUCAS TEIXEIRA ARAUJO DE. OTIMIZAÇÃO DE PERFIS AERODINÂMICOS APLICADOS EM AEROGERADORES DO TIPO TEEH UTILIZANDO ALGORITMO GENÉTICO. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, [S. l.], 2021.
Freitas, Allef Lucas Teixeira Araujo de
In Brazil, the search for the use of renewable sources to produce electric energy is growing and wind is a good alternative, as there is seasonal complementarity with water, contributing to the country's energy diversity. For the best use of the energy available in the wind, it is necessary that wind turbine blades have more efficient aerodynamic profiles. In this work, we sought to find aerodynamic profiles of greater efficiency using the genetic algorithm developed in Matlab, XFOIL to obtain the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil and the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) methodology for the blade design. The analysis was performed considering an initial population with 300 profiles available in the database of the applied aerodynamics group at the University of Illinios in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). For XFOIL, the International Standard Atmosphere was adopted, Reynolds numbers 58e5 and 56e5, Mach numbers 0.063, 0.095, 0.15 and 0.177, maximum number of generations of 100 and a range of attack angle from 0º to 18º resulting in 4 simulations. For the genetic algorithm, a crossing probability of 90% and 5% for mutation was adopted. Aerodynamic efficiency between the first profile of the initial and final population increased by 21.38%, 8.84%, 52% and 3.8% for simulations 1 to 4, whereas the average efficiency of the final and initial population increased by 75%, 66, 7%, 79.95%, and 75.79% in each simulation, respectively.