O cronotopo do ciclo do algodão seridoense e a tecitura estilística dos romances rurais de José Bezerra Gomes
2019-07-19Registro en:
SALES, Willame Santos de. O cronotopo do ciclo do algodão seridoense e a tecitura estilística dos romances rurais de José Bezerra Gomes. 2019. 210f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Sales, Willame Santos de
This thesis has as its central objective to create intelligibilities ascertaining the
implications of the Seridó's Cotton Cycle on the stylistic weaving of the following
rural themes novels from the Currais Novos' writer José Bezerra Gomes: Os Brutos
(The brutes, 1938), Ouro Branco (White gold, most recent) and A Porta e o Vento
(The door and the wind, 1974). For such, it is assumed, from the theoreticalmethodological point of view, the postulates of the Bakhtin Circle, especially, the
language conceptions, the literary statements, the chronotope, the social voices, the
style and the author-creator. The research is situated on the scope of Applied
Linguistics, in dialogue with Literature, and adopts, as methodological fundament,
the indicial-interpretative paradigm of social-historical basis. During the investigative
process, the analysis of the three novels allowed to search into several social
voices and varied stratified discourses, traversed by (and refractories of) worldviews
in constant dialogical and ideological clash, which contribute to the weave
of bezerrian style in the novels, mainly: 1) defendant voices of marriage and
patriarchal model of family and contestant voices of such discourses; 2)
antagonistic images of sertão, denial of stereotypes and assumption of descriptions
of sertão valued positively; and 3) the dialogical processes around the titles of such
works and the poeticization of the prosaic language. The research reveals, in place
of completion: 1) the management and the finishing given by the author-creator to
the choir of voices and of present discourses on the works impress to the
statements a social-individual tone, a differentiated socio-ideological-stylistic
positioning facing the circulating discourses in the discursive chain they are part of;
and 2) this stylistic weave of these works is permeated by the ideas of the Seridó's
Cotton Cycle chronotope, configuring what is named as Poética do
Algodão (Poetics of the Cotton).