dc.contributorMedeiros, Renato
dc.contributorPinto, Edna Moura
dc.contributorDantas Filho, Francisco Ricardo Avelino
dc.creatorAlves, Alana dos Santos Maia
dc.identifierALVES, Alana. Ninho do vôlei: centro de treinamento de voleibol com arquitetura de baixo impacto ambiental. 2019. 102f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe present work deals with the development of a preliminary study of the Volleyball Training Center for the city of Natal / RN, based on the guidelines of the low environmental impact architecture, focused on the training, attendance, preparation, recovery and temporary stay of the athletes of the modality. The project consists of a main gymnasium, court, physiotherapy room, nursery, cafeteria, laundry, living areas, gym, accommodation, auditoriums, trophy room, meeting room and offices. Furthermore, it was necessary to requalify the perimeter pavements that are totally degraded. The main motivation for carrying out a project of this nature is based on the precarious physical structure for the development of this physical activity, since there is no exclusive space, properly equipped and able to better prepare the athletes of the sport, and also, the importance of incorporating in the project process the environmental concern. For the production of the work were conducted research for the theoretical basis, direct and indirect case studies of architectural proposals with similar solutions and visits to the intervention site.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherArquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectEdifício para esporte - Monografia
dc.subjectArquitetura e urbanismo - Monografia
dc.subjectProjeto de arquitetura - Monografia
dc.subjectArquitetura esportiva - Monografia
dc.subjectCentro de treinamento - Monografia
dc.subjectArquitetura de baixo impacto - Monografia
dc.subjectSports building - Monography
dc.subjectArchitecture and Urbanismo - Monography
dc.subjectArchitectural design - Monography
dc.subjectSports architecture - Monography
dc.subjectTraining center - Monography
dc.subjectLow impact architecture - Monography
dc.titleNinho do vôlei: centro de treinamento de voleibol com arquitetura de baixo impacto ambiental

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