Escola Técnica de Comércio União Caixeiral: gênese e dualidades de um processo de criação (1911 a 1937), no município de Mossoró, RN
2017-02-24Registro en:
BANDEIRA, Tainá da Silva. Escola Técnica de Comércio União Caixeiral: gênese e dualidades de um processo de criação (1911 a 1937), no município de Mossoró, RN. 2017. 148f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Bandeira, Tainá da Silva
The following work has purpose the process of create of the Technical School of Trade of the União Caixeiral, from 1911 to 1937, in the municipality of Mossoró / RN, and is part of the History of Education Institutions. This school was created by the labor entity União Caixeiral Society, a group that brought together local merchants for common desires. In order to analyze the thinking and creation of this School Institution, it investigate to what extent the determinations of the contexts - socioeconomic and educational - defined the process of institutionalization of the Technical School of Trade of the União Caixeiral by União Caixeiral Society. Based on the hypothesis that the school was determined by these contexts and that at the time of its implementation, it reaffirmed the dichotomous characteristics derived from the socioeconomic context and constituted in the educational scenario. In search of answers,it used as sources the documents of the União Caixeiral Society, digitized and printed newspapers, legal documents, State Presidents Reports, pertinent literature and memorialistic texts. As a more viable approach, dialectics was used in the marxist approach, so it was possible to understand the intimate connection between the way society produces material existence and the school it creates. Thinking at systematization of informal practices until its implementation of the school and, in this course, it analyze the dichotomies that characterize this institutionalization, we have as concepts: Institution - based on the studies of Magalhães (2004) - and Duality - from the studies of Cunha (2005). Commercial Teaching began to be thought of right after the foundation of União Caixeiral Society, in 1911, which already practiced informal practices taught by its members. In the quest for social prominence, this entity strengthened the process of institutionalization and, in 1936, implemented the Technical School of Trade of União Caixeiral, a space of organized professional teaching by the select people with the intention of serving its employees. This action followed the own dynamics of the municipality of Mossoró, the elite thinking of modifications of the municipality based on their own needs and interests. In this way, the process analyzed here was delineated by the hierarchical dualities, in which the social layer of the leaders was privileged to the detriment of the group of workers, and coined the school that, because it was directed to the employees of the trade, began offering instrumental teaching and deficient structures reaffirming the precariousness present in the other social spaces directed to the opposite social group of the elite. The Technical School of Trade of União Caixeiral was created as a way to reaffirm, in Mossoró, the power of the União Caixeiral Society, which expanded its influence beyond economic space, into the educational.