Influência da adição de antimônio na liga hipoeutética Sn52%Bi solidificada direcionalmente: parâmetros térmicos, microestruturais e resistência mecânica
2019-07-17Registro en:
PAIXÃO, Jeverton Laureano. Influência da adição de antimônio na liga hipoeutética Sn52%Bi solidificada direcionalmente: parâmetros térmicos, microestruturais e resistência mecânica. 2019. 98f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Paixão, Jeverton Laureano
The search for sustainable and less toxic materials is a global trend and
should draw even more attention in the coming years due to the new and current
restrictions/directives of environmental agencies. Lead-free solder alloys used in the
electronics industry are examples of this scenario. In this context the present
investigation aims to establish correlations between the solidification thermal
parameters (cooling rate-ṪL and growth rate-VL) and microstructural parameters
(primary-λ1, secondary-λ2 and tertiary-λ3 dendritic; and fine λF and coarse-λC eutectic
spacings) for the directionally solidified (DS) Sn-52wt.%Bi-1wt.%Sb and Sn52wt.%Bi-2wt.%Sb alloys under transient heat flow conditions. A dendritic array was
identified for the Sn-Bi-Sb alloys formed by a Sn-rich matrix with Bi precipitates at its
core, surrounded by lamellar eutectic structures (Sn-rich+Bi-rich), Bi trifolis and
fishbone-like eutectic. The significant fraction of eutectic mixture (Sn-rich+Bi-rich) in
the Sn-Bi-Sb alloys induced the -1/4 and -1/2 exponents, proposed by Jackson and
Hunt for eutectics, characterize the evolutions of λ1, λ3 and λ2, as a function of ṪL and
VL, respectively. These exponents also characterized evolutions of λF and λC against
ṪL and VL for the modified alloy containing 1wt.%Sb. Hall-Petch type correlations for
Sn-Bi-Sb alloys displayed that additions of 1wt.% and 2wt.%Sb have beneficial
effects on the ultimate tensile strength-σu and the yield tensile strength-σy, but does
not affect ductility (elongation to fracture-δ). Sb additions did not modify the fracture
mode of the Sn-52wt.%Bi alloy.