Cara e coroa: O PRONAF B e os impactos na ocupação rural do município de Ceará-Mirim
2008-09-29Registro en:
MAIA, Márcio Monteiro. Cara e coroa: O PRONAF B e os impactos na ocupação rural do município de Ceará-Mirim. 2008. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional; Cultura e Representações) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2008.
Maia, Márcio Monteiro
The present work deals with study on the National Program of Reinforcement of Familiar Agriculture, Group B, referring it offers of agricultural credit the agriculturists who possess familiar prescription until R$ 2,000, 00, and its impact in
the agricultural occupation of the city of Ceará-Mirim. From theoretical referencial regarding the agricultural occupation, it collects of data, application of questionnaires between the beneficiaries of PRONAF B and interviews with the involved actors, it was made possible ascertainment of the hypothesis of that the program in this modality of credit, is capable to provide only to the maintenance or diversification of
the occupation in the familiar unit and not it generation of remunerated occupation not familiar. This research disclosed to the diverse possibilities of use of the credit and its impact in the agricultural occupation, exactly when it is deviated for other purposes not waked up next to the financial institution, generating impacts not waited, however positive. When destined to the waked up end, still new forms appear
of way occupation to complement it the deriving familiar prescription of the main activity. Unable to discard the rise even though very small and informal, non-family gainful occupation. The knowledge is added of that exactly ahead of the easinesses of access to the social base of the program, many familiar agriculturists still find difficulties in the approval of the which had credit, on the other hand, the requirements of the financial institutions