dc.contributorQueiroz Neto, Venâncio Freitas de
dc.contributorQueiroz Neto, Venâncio Freitas de
dc.contributorQueiroz, Rouseane da Silva Paula
dc.contributorAssunção, Zoraia da Silva
dc.creatorOliveira, Cátia Regina De Lima
dc.identifierOLIVEIRA, Cátia Regina de Lima. O brincar no espaço sala de aula na Educação Infantil. 2016. 20f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia), Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Caraúbas, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis article addresses the issue of working with the playfulness in the classroom in kindergarten and justified in the quest for discussion of the importance of working with this methodology in the classroom. Assuming that the play is a free practice for this reason enchants the world of children as they play is pleasurable action is thus directed by and for the child. Play is the child inherent in this sense requires a knowledge to learn, so it is extremely important planning for that will foster a significant play. The play is a very important role in the development of the child is considered a significant way in the act of teaching, it provides relationships between cultural objects and nature. When talking about children and their will highlight his immense desire to play and this natural act in all periods. The main goal of early childhood education is to develop an effective work that can trigger the formation of the child to live in a democratic and diverse society. In the process of learning and child development needs daily contribution of all who make up the institution teachers and teaching staff aiming at the necessity of children and so elaborate significant practices for this process. The educator should consider in their planning that the child is a builder of their own knowledge it contributes to the construction of society and thus social and participatory actor. It is important that vocational education has a critical attitude towards the students understanding their limits and possibilities. The play is essential for the child, so it is necessary that all teaching staff along with family work this function as a learning tool. Had as main objective the development of a meaningful work, aimed at entertaining as the main tool, and also understand the child's ability to interact and their motor, effective and cognitive ability, as well as the expansion of dynamically learning process. To build a quality work is important research throughout its construction, so we seek to develop a theoretical research, based on the literature, based on authors such as Almeida (1994), Baptist (2012), Santos (2004), among others of equal importance, with the purpose of improving the learning process of children through playfulness
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherPedagogia Ead
dc.titleO brincar no espaço sala de aula na Educação Infantil

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