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Oliveira, Danilo Henrique Morais Castro Oliveira
The Northeast of Brazil (NEB) is characterized by a semi-arid climate, where there is a wide variation in rainfall distribution in both spatial and temporal scale. In this region of Brazil, the occurrence of Intense Precipitation Events (PPE) causes serious damages to the population, given the fact that the rampant urbanization and land use and occupation increases the susceptibility to cities suffer major consequences. That been said, this study aims to estimate the period and magnitude of return of PPE to the capitals of the NEB, through the application of the Theory of Extreme Values (TVE). For this, it was used the data set from observations of weather stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and the National Water Agency (ANA) from 1980 to 2009. The calculus of the return period or recurrence time, associates the time in years and the probability of occurrence of the phenomenon, while the TVE has the ability to generate an estimative of the tail of the distribution regarding a set of observations, comprising the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution (GEV) and the Generalized Distribution of Pareto (GPD), besides providing an excellent correlation between the magnitude, frequency and the intervals on the time of the series. It is also widely used in the analysis of the frequency of hydrological and climatic variables seeking project return periods for extreme events. Therefore, from the proposed objective, it was possible to obtain forecasts of recurrence periods that indicate that the capitals from NEB are prone to the occurrence of high magnitude PPE (100-150mm) in a short time of recurrence. The information obtained is of upmost importance in the search of understanding these episodes, in addition to support policy decisions to mitigate the impacts caused by them.