Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem na atenção primária: o cuidar à luz da ciência.
2019-02Registro en:
SILVA, Paula Simone Azevedo. Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem na atenção primária: o cuidar à luz da ciência. 2019. 32 f. Monografia (Especialização) - Residência Multiprofissional em Atenção Básica, Escola Multicampi de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó, 2019.
Silva, Paula Simone Azevedo
The Systematization of Nursing Assistance (SAE) is a scientific methodological tool that organizes the Nursing Process. Despite the importance of using this methodology and considering its legal obligatoriness, there are several difficulties in the Brazilian scenario regarding its implementation, especially in Primary Care. This research aimed to analyze the nurses' view about the applicability of SAE in Primary Care. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study developed in the Seridó Potiguar region, with 41 nurses enrolled in Basic Health Units and 15 resident nurses in the Basic Attention of the Multicampi School of Medical Sciences. Data collection was done through a structured questionnaire that sought to evaluate the individual's perception of SAE in relation to knowledge, difficulties, benefits and facilitators, as well as the individual perception of the professional in the work unit. It was identified that nurses consider SAE important for the professional recognition of nursing and believe that this methodology brings benefits to the professional and to the patient. On the other hand, the subjects emphasize that issues such as the precariousness of work and the lack of training on SAE make it difficult to perform in Primary Care (AB). In addition, it was observed that most professionals do not use SAE in their professional practice in AB. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen SAE through nursing schools, permanent education and the class council, seeking to develop strategies that encourage the practice of SAE in AB.