dc.contributorCarreiro, Adriana da Fonte Porto
dc.contributorMelo, Laércio Almeida
dc.contributorAquino, Luana Maria Martins
dc.creatorAmorim, Rafael de Castro Alencar
dc.identifierAMORIM, Rafael de Castro Alencar. Influencia de adesivos protéticos na performance mastigatória, satisfação e retenção em usuários de próteses totais novas. 2021. 25 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Odontologia) - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
dc.description.abstractObjetive: To evaluate the influence of oral adhesives on masticatory performance, satisfaction and retention in users of new bimaxillary dentures. Metodology: Treats about a non-randomized clinical trial.The final sample consisted of 15 patients, who were rehabilitated with new total bimaxillary prostheses. At first, after 3 months of using new prostheses, patients were evaluated for their masticatory performance, satisfaction and retention. Then, the individuals used a powdered prosthetic adhesive daily for 15 days. After this period, the variables were collected again. For data analysis, the Wilcoxon test was used to analyzed the influence of the use of the adhesive on masticatory performance and satisfaction and the Macnemar test on the association between the use of adhesive and retention. Results: The mean of masticatory performance when the prosthetic adhesive was not used was 6,73 (±0,62) mm. When used it was 6,61(±0,49)mm. The use of prosthetic adhesive improved masticatory performance (p < 0,001). There was no influence of the use of prosthetic adhesives on satisfaction (p = 0,115) and retention of upper (p = 0,850) and lower (p = 0,623). Conclusion: The use of prosthetic adhesives in users of new complete dentures improved masticatory performance. However, the use did not influence the satisfaction and retention of prosthetic parts
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.subjectPerformance Mastigatória
dc.subjectPróteses Totais
dc.subjectEdêntulos Totais
dc.titleInfluencia de adesivos protéticos na performance mastigatória, satisfação e retenção em usuários de próteses totais novas

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