Uma história do PIBID de Matemática da UERN/Mossoró-RN (2009 - 2018): memórias em um documentário
2019-07-19Registro en:
SILVA, Anelândia Maria da Conceição. Uma história do PIBID de Matemática da UERN/Mossoró-RN (2009 - 2018): memórias em um documentário. 2019. 263f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências Naturais e Matemática) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Silva, Anelândia Maria da Conceição
The present study refers to a history about the formation of mathematics teachers, that
occurred from in the Institutional Program Initiation Grant to Teaching Institutional Program
Initiation Grant to Teaching (PIBID) (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à
Docência), in the period from 2009 to 2018, at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte
(UERN) (Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte) - Central Campus, located in the
city of Mossoró (RN). PIBID is centered in the Ministry of Education (MEC) (Ministério da
Educação), managed by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
(CAPES) (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior), and it is
concerned with the strengthening of the initial training of future teachers in order to insert
them in the context of Basic Education, in a partnership between universities and public
schools. We have been focused on the issue: how do the actions/activities of PIBIDmathematics/UERN, since the date of creation, in 2009, until 2018 were planned and
executed? In order to answer this question, we have as general objective to construct a
historiographical record about the actions performed by those who were part of the UERN
Mathematics PIBID, from 2009 to 2018. Our research is a qualitative approach with focus on
Cultural history (CHARTIER, 1990). We consider it is important to tell this history, since it
reveals the activities that were developed in UERN Mathematics PIBID on this period. For
this purpose, we accomplished interviews with people who experienced the UERN
Mathematics PIBID, namely: 4 (four) field coordinators (3 scholarship holders and 1
volunteer), a field supervisor, 7 (seven) scholarship holders of initiation to teaching (6
scholarship holders and 1 volunteer), a former pedagogical coordinator, who acted at the State
Centenary School of Mossoró (Escola Estadual Centenário de Mossoró); and a former
principal at the State School Teacher José de Freitas Nobre (Escola Estadual Professor José
de Freitas Nobre). In addition, we have recourse to documents, such as notices of the
aforementioned program, partial and half-yearly reports of activities and, for the analysis of
these documents we have based on Le Goff (2003), which points out the importance that the
document can provide in society. In the further, because of our research originates from a
master's degree, a documentary is presented, which we made to be our educational product. It
is titled The UERN Mathematics PIBID: Encounters of Memories in order to show a little of
the lived experience through the program, by the actions performed in the period from 2010 to
2018. This documentary was produced with the testimonies of the interviewees mentioned
above, and we wish it to be an important aid for teacher training. There was a participation of
scholarship holders who were not registered in the three (3) mentioned functions. The
Pibidians developed several actions, for example: production of articles; they taught
preparatory classes for the groups of the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiads of Public Schools
(Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas) (OBMEP), the National High
School Examination (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) (ENEM) and the Brazilian Test
(Prova Brasil); they acted at schools that were not affiliated to PIBID/UERN; they conducted
studies and production of pedagogical didactic materials directed to the Mathematics
Teaching Laboratory (LEM), which became the fundamental brand of the scholarship holders
who worked in this subproject, including they collaborated in the implantation of three (3) LEM in schools affiliated to PIBID/UERN. They performed extracurricular actions, such as
the "Mathematical Games Hall" and "The Return of the mathematical Journey". In view of the
actions developed, we rescued the self-esteem of the scholarship holders of initiation to
teaching, so that they remained in the degree course in Mathematics and also approximated
the graduates to the university, which made the undergraduate course in mathematics a
prominent place in the region. There were many difficulties, mainly regarding the physical
structure of the schools, to be able to put into practice certain actions, for example, the
implantation of the Laboratories.