A (não) assunção da responsabilidade enunciativa em redações nota mil do exame nacional do ensino médio - ENEM
2019-12-27Registration in:
ESTEVAM, Madson Bruno Soares. A (não) assunção da responsabilidade enunciativa em redações nota mil do exame nacional do ensino médio - ENEM. 2019. 149f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Estevam, Madson Bruno Soares
Commitment in discourse is a phenomenon that refers to the voices within the text,
affirming its polyphonic nature and allowing the analyst to understand which enunciative
instance assumes or not the propositional content in any utterances uttered by
speakers/enunciators, specially in the realm of linguistics. Following this notion, the
current research had the purpose of investigating commitment in top-scoring essays from
the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) from 2013 to 2017. More specifically, it
aimed at: (1) describing the text plan of these essays; (2) analyzing the attribution of point
of view and commitment in their top-scoring essays; (3) identifying and describing
linguistic marks indicating the point of view of the candidates; (4) verifying how other
voices came to be handled in such essays, as well as categorizing them according to the
socio-discursive formations to which they belong. This research was grounded on Textual
Discourse Analysis, a theoretical framework developed by Adam (2011, 2017, 2018), in
which text and discourse are considered under a new perspective. Moreover, it was also
based on theoretical accounts regarding enunciation in discourse, such as from Rabatel
(2016, 2017, 2018), Rodrigues et al (2010), Passeggi et al (2010), Costa (2015),
Guentchéva (1994), and others. Throughout this dissertation, we adopt a qualiquantitative methodology, following the inductive method with the purpose of raising
generalizations from the obtained data. The treatment of the data was, thus, consistent
with the identification of the phenomenon, followed by its description, analysis and
interpretation. Results show that the first speakers/enunciators (L1/E1) use voices to
support their standpoints on the themes being discussed on the essay, representing
argumentative resources recognized as arguments of authority. In that sense, they tend to
assume a degree of commitment towards the different discourses in the utterance, using
philosophical, sociological and legal socio-discursive formations in order to emphasize
and show a certain degree of encyclopedical knowledge. Moreover, we observed that the
text plan pertaining to such essays has been through a number of transformations in more
recent years. Their prototypical structures, for instance, have been marked by the absence
of a title, and by the recurring presence of a paragraph presenting the introduction, two
paragraphs presenting the development and one paragraph presenting the conclusion. The
results of this study may, ultimately, contribute to the understanding of ENEM essays as
a textual-discursive genre in its structural and enunciative elements, indicating which are
the mechanisms employed by its participants in the construction of the benchmarking
texts selected in the making of the most important tertiary education admissional exam in