Análise de células unitárias com metamaterial utilizando substratos EBG para aplicações em estruturas planares
2020-08-26Registro en:
CUNHA, Nilson Henrique de Oliveira. Análise de células unitárias com metamaterial utilizando substratos EBG para aplicações em estruturas planares. 2020. 82f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Cunha, Nilson Henrique de Oliveira
With the growth of the communications area and the intense study of more efficient ways for the transmission and reception of electromagnetic signals, printed circuits have gained increasing prominence on the world stage, and based on these circuits, the application of artificial materials, they are the metamaterials. The essential difference between conventional materials and metamaterials is that, while conventional materials are defined by their constituent atoms, metamaterials are characterized by their constituent unit cells, in this way, the engineering of the construction of these structures can create an arbitrary response, which would not be achieved with a conventional material. In this context, this work aims to propose the applicability of low-cost metamaterial substrates in planar devices. For that, several analysis models for metamaterial structures will be
presented, from the choice of boundary conditions, to the application of the appropriate excitation. After selecting the analysis model, a study will be carried out based on the characterization of a conventional unitary metamaterial cell, based on SRR (Split Ring Resonator) structures. Then, modifications to these cells will be proposed with a change in the resonator geometry, and with the application of EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap) structures, in order to adapt the frequency responses of the cell to the desired project. Finally, the application of this substrate in a rectangular microstrip patch antenna will be studied, where the reflection coefficient, antenna impedance, gain, radiation diagram, 3dB angle, electric field distribution, on the antenna, the distribution of the surface current density, in the proposed cells, and finally, the Brillouin diagram, to prove the prohibited zones created by the EBG structure, will be analyzed. Thus, it is expected to verify the
usefulness and scientific importance of the study proposed in current systems.