Análise argumentativa do discurso acadêmico a partir de representações discursivas da literatura de cordel em dissertações de mestrado
2021-02-26Registro en:
SILVA NETO, Antônio Loureiro da. Análise argumentativa do discurso acadêmico a partir de representações discursivas da literatura de cordel em dissertações de mestrado. 2021. 182f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Silva Neto, Antônio Loureiro da
The cordel literature (printed pamphlet), also known in Brazil as northeast literature pamphlet
(Brazilian popular literature), among other denomination, with its function, values, necessities,
characteristics and history has been theme of studies published in articles, master thesis and
doctoral dissertations. In these studies, some discursive cordel literature representations are
argumentatively renewed. Thus, in this doctoral phase, we intend to analyze these
representations from the argumentative strategies and persuasion mechanisms present in master
thesis. We search to find answers to the following questions: a) What linguistic expressions of
the examined texts compete to the constructions of those discursive representations of the
cordel ? b) What strategies and persuasive mechanisms are used in the construction of those
representations? c) What discursive representations of the cordel emerge from texts examined
and how are they articulate themselves to unveil the face of the cordel in academic discourse?
Based on general objective and in the elaborated questions, we have the following specific
objectives: i) identify the linguistic elements that compete to the formation of the discursive
representations of the cordel in academic discourse; ii) write about the persuasion mechanisms
used by researchers in the processes of construction of those representations and iii) analyze
each of the resulting representations of the investigation process of the discourse about the
cordel. In order to do this, we have chosen a corpus formed by 65 textual excerpts retrieved
from 24 master theses. We gathered 12 groups of discursive representation the analysis. The
theoretical base include authors as Abreu (1993; 1999; 2006); Bakhtin (2017); Compagnon
(2014); Eagleton (2006); Certeau (1995); Luciano (2012); Oliveira, (2012); Cascudo (1953)
and authors who belong to the rhetoric discursive chain, as for example, the rhetoric as
Aristóteles (2005; 2016), Perelman & Tyteca (2005) Reboul (2000), Fiorin (2015) among
others. Furthermore, we consider Bronkart (1999), Silva (2015) and Bezerril at al (2015). The
results point out that the academic discourse describes the cordel as a poetic art which has a
popular mark that renew itself and about the mark focuses several looks that are not always
favorable. There are also innumerable possibilities of analysis to the theme considering it, in a
moment as an instrument of claim social and political, one moment as mean of transmission of
educative values useful to the pedagogical processes and so on... There are some who defend
for its intrinsic qualities of resistance to the intellectual models nowadays highlighting its
capacity to influence the hegemonic literature, the theatre, the cinema and the television. It is,
indeed, from this gathering of impressions that the university researchers contribute to construct
or renew the discursive representations of cordel. Concerning the argumentation in the
discourse, we could realize some similarities in the manner of proceeding argumentatively. It
is verified the fact that in the choice of the agreements with the imagined auditorium, in the
strategies and argumentative movements of concordance with the thesis that was raised.
Analogous process is conceived when the process happens and the denunciative mechanism
pragmatics. However, concerning the of some of these discursive representations, the
researcher seems less incisive that defend and admitting looks more varied and less assertive,
as it happens with some groups of analyzed. With this we tried to contribute with those who
value the academic studies around this subject and want to make it clearer the value, the function
and the importance of the cordel in Brazil.