A formação do músico popular: perspectivas a partir da trajetória culturalmusical dos instrumentistas Eduardo Taufic e Jubileu Filho
2016-12-19Registro en:
SANTOS JÚNIOR, Valdier Ribeiro. A formação do músico popular: perspectivas a partir da trajetória culturalmusical dos instrumentistas Eduardo Taufic e Jubileu Filho. 2016. 143f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Música) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Santos Júnior, Valdier Ribeiro
The diverse environments that musicians transit when in search for their formation are
subjects debated nowadays. Considering that the Music Education thought as an area that
contemplates the study and the process of music graduation certainly perceives the different
environments in which the musical learning occurs. Focusing on it, this paper aims to deepen
the understanding about the formative environment of popular musicians. In that sense, I
submit to understand the musical formation of the instrumentalists Eduardo Taufic and
Jubileu Filho, both subjects of this study. This paper brings a literature revising that aims to
highlight the knowledge about the subject. The theoretical foundation provides a mediation on
the debate, pointing the authors’ inferences in constant interlocutions with the field. The case
study with qualitative approach is the methodological procedure used. During the data
collection, electronic questionnaires, direct observation, a notebook and an open-ended
interview were used. The organization, and eventually, the analysis of the data were
materialized under the discursive textual analysis. The textual analysis construction was
thought from three central points: initial musical formation, musical formation in different
environments and musical formation in professionalization contexts. In light of this, the
classification allowed the understanding about the different formative environments in which
popular musicians transit through from their first spontaneous contact with music to their
professional performance. The results reveal the complexity of the formation of popular
musicians. That formation is utterly connected to the practice in different environments. In
this case, the social environment revealed itself as a strong motivating agent, especially for
the spontaneous treatment that music assumed in those spaces. In addition, family, friends,
teacher, technological resources, work environment, musical tests were certainly the great
responsible for the musical formation of the popular musicians studied in this paper.