Religião e pós-modernidade: o caso dos casais recasados na Igreja Católica à luz da concepção de pós-modernidade em Gianni Vattimo
2016-07-29Registro en:
SILVA, Rogério Felinto da. Religião e pós-modernidade: o caso dos casais recasados na Igreja Católica à luz da concepção de pós-modernidade em Gianni Vattimo. 2016. 102f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Silva, Rogério Felinto da
In a world characterized by incertitude produced by unbelief in the great discourses, by the plurality of opinions, peculiar and determinant experiences, including religious ones, of political, economic and social achievements, that claim for respect and tolerance to the new forms of existence, the posture of the Roman Catholic Church is put in check. Whither is it possible to consider the influence of postmodernity inside this institution? In the perspective of Gianni Vattimo, it’s possible to glimpse postmodern condition, characterized by a religiosity without metaphysics, secularized, more open to plurality, that needs to base on charity e not on dogmas. Trough the drama of remarried couples, called of “irregular”, it is possible to see indicators of changes in the Catholic Church facing the winds of postmodernity. Analyzing the life history, discourses and practices of these couples, comparing with the data of a survey did by CERIS, research organization of the Catholic Church in Brazil, about the theme on Christian morals, it was possible to understand the present fight between the official position of the Church and the vision and interpretation of their members. The dissertation presents cases of subjects that are in struggle to practice their religiosity in the Roman Catholic Church, and the hope that the new Synod proposed by the Pope Francisco, brings to them: would be an openness of the Church to a postmodern religiosity. That is a qualitative research, with the main methodology of direct observation and semi structured interviews, plus analyses of official documents.