Percepção do suporte familiar em adolescentes com repetição gestacional
2015-04-27Registro en:
ALMEIDA, Denise Soares de. Percepção do suporte familiar em adolescentes com repetição gestacional. 2015. 93f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Almeida, Denise Soares de
Teenage pregnancy is a matter of public health, particularly by aggravating gestational repetition even in this age group. According to research 30% of pregnant adolescents have a new pregnancy within 02 years. In recent years studies have shown the influence of this reality in family dynamics and their biopsychosocial consequences. Thus, the overall objective was to investigate possible relationships between sociodemographic, obstetric, psychosocial and family support in adolescents with gestational recurrence. Specific: to characterize the demographic profile of the women surveyed; characterize the obstetric profile of the women surveyed; characterize the psychosocial profile of the women surveyed; and investigate the Family Support Perception among adolescents with gestational recurrence. We used a structured questionnaire containing sociodemographic, obstetric and Psychosocial and Inventory of Family Support Perception (IPSF). The data were stored in a data processing software for descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson's correlation test, test T Studant and the X² test was used. It was observed that 77.4% of participants are between 18 and 19 years, 78.6% live in stable, 57.1% have not finished elementary school. In obstetric data 45.24% have more than six prenatal consultations, 67.86% started in the first quarter, 51.8% had 13-24 months of gestational interval. 65.48% among adolescents has gestational history of adolescence in close relatives. IPSF in the teens had low scores on the three dimensions and the final value, in affective dimension Consistent with 38.09%, with 57.14% Family Adjustment and Autonomy 41.67% and the total figure has been 47.62%. There were correlations between family support and gestational interval (p = 0.042), Affective-Consistent size and gestational interval (p = 0.036) and age of the companion and the extent of autonomy (p = 0.049). Demonstrating that the teenagers who have gestational interval also have a higher family support, and a higher score of Affective-Consistent dimension. In general, the low score of the Family Support suggests that adolescents in this study perceive their distant families emotionally, struggling to show affection and attention and problems of domestic communication. Thus, the results shown here can be an important way for the planning of measures favoring a reduction in gestational repetition rate and can contribute to the reflection of the importance of family support for the public concerned.