Otimização da demanda de potência contratada utilizando algoritmos genéticos: o caso do campus central da UFRN
2019-09-12Registro en:
AZEVEDO, Thales Bruno Costa de. Otimização da demanda de potência contratada utilizando algoritmos genéticos: o caso do campus central da UFRN. 2019. 78f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Energia Elétrica) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Azevedo, Thales Bruno Costa de
For consumers served by the voltage higher than 2,3 kV, belonging to the group A, the
active power demand value to be contracted with power distribution company comes to be
one the most important factors in the final value power bill. In moments that the resources are
few, the great choice of this demand, as well as of the most useful tariff modality, it will need
be done of such way that the power and energy demanded are available with no additional
costs, and the value to be paid be as small as possible. This work shows a optimization
purpose by the genetic algorithms, applied to the problem of the active power demand
contraction, faced by the clients of group A, included in the blue horary tariff modality, where
is necessary to be contracted a demand value at the peak hours and another value demand at
the out of peak hours. The data used in this work were the measured demand values available
by the central campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Simulations were
done, considering its historical of the energy bills, since the its particular power substation of
69/13,8 kV began to operate, it was began the billing in this new tariff modality. The results
were compared with the costs by the current contracted demand values, they were also
compared with the exhaustive search method, and they show that the optimization model with
genetic algorithms is a nice tool to the determine the optimal demand value to be contracted.