Nietzsche e Rosset: alegria, impulso à criação
2013-01-17Registro en:
CAMPOS JÚNIOR, Lindoaldo Vieira. Nietzsche e Rosset: alegria, impulso à criação. 2013. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Metafísica) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2013.
Campos Júnior, Lindoaldo Vieira
Understood in a project of transvaluation of values, the joy is one of the central themes of the
thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and Clément Rosset. Opposed to the dogmatic philosophy
that moralize and robs your strength to think of it as "happiness", evaluated, in short, a target
linked to virtue and rationality these thinkers propose a perspective that makes the joy of
point to an instance extraterrestrial and back to the earth, to the body. In this vein, beyond the
oppositions of values constitutive of metaphysics dogmatic, the joy and suffering are
conceived as elements that are not mutually exclusive, they are complementary as foundations
of a gaia(ta) science, based in laughter and friendship. Contents of a tragic wisdom that leads
to an unconditional fidelity to the real (expressed in formulas of amor fati Nietzsche and
unrestricted approval of existence Rosset), the joy is then interview as vital impulse, the
force majeure, the strength plastic encourages artistic creation: the joy of children playing