Política de inserção de psicólogos egressos das residências multiprofissionais em saúde na docência
2019-08-30Registro en:
QUEIROZ, Ana Helena Araújo Bomfim. Política de inserção de psicólogos egressos das residências multiprofissionais em saúde na docência. 2019. 177f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Queiroz, Ana Helena Araújo Bomfim
The influence from the Residências Multiprofissionais em Saúde - Multiprofessional
Residencies in Health (RMS) in the teaching trajectories of psychologists was investigated.
The RMS are a Latu Sensu post-graduate program, focused in services from the Permanent
Education in Health - Educação Permanente em saúde (EPS). This is a qualitative research,
guided by authors of the post-critical theory in Collective Health, Psychology and Education.
The study identified 51 psychologists in RMS programs with a communitary base, among
which 23 have worked in teaching according to the Lattes platform. Other seventeen, aged
between 28 and 39 were interviewed; in their majority, they all had more than 5 years of
experience in public and private IES, and less than five years from their last work at RMS.
As for the experience at teaching, they were distributed between over five years of teaching
experience; among five to two years; and with less than two years of experience. Most
accumulates activities in health assistance and/or technical assistance alongside teaching. The
presential semi-structured interviews and the long distance ones were transcribed in four axis:
Professional Trajectory; Contributions to RMS; Teaching Practice and the Relationship
between teaching trajectory and RMS. A large part of the participants started their
professional trajectory in public policy or the RMS. The RMS experience was considered a
“watershed moment”, with the potential to provoke an ethical-political-pedagogical twist
when faced with the hegemonic model of health qualification and adding other ways to
practice psychology, producing engagement and materiality for the teaching work. The
teaching trajectory is a production that cannot be unlinked from the scenario of a shrinking
job market in the public sector, the growing job offers for the private educational system. As a
teaching professional, there are challenges in making the pedagogical principles of the EPS
into operation, especially the resistance of professors and students to active learning
methodology, the discourses from traditional pedagogy and the decoupling of theory-practice.