Modelagem e simulação de uma coluna de destilação multicomponente operando em regime estacionário
2019-08-20Registro en:
ROCHA, Arthur Lucas do Nascimento. Modelagem e simulação de uma coluna de destilação multicomponente operando em regime estacionário. 2019. 46f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Química) - Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Rocha, Arthur Lucas do Nascimento
This work proposes to model and simulate a stationary multi-component distillation column by developing a computational program written in Fortran programming language. Distillation is one of the most used unitary operations (separation) in the industry, hence the interest in addressing it. This separation process is based on the liquid-vapor equilibrium of the components in the mixture and the difference between relative volatility is the driving force to separate the components of the mixture which occurs by the formation of two phases (liquid and vapor) with different concentrations (vapor phase enriched by the most volatile component). The validation of the results obtained was performed using a reliable and consolidated simulation tool (ProSimPlus), the relative percentage error of the results was of the order of 0.01%. The work also aimed to design a computational tool capable of adapting to different real cases, which was consolidated using parametric studies and physical interpretation of the results. Above all, the present work allowed to put into practice the knowledge in several different disciplines studied throughout the graduation in chemical engineering.