| masterThesis
A sorte não está do nosso lado: a distopia The hunger games como crítica à sociedade ocidental
2019-07-30Registro en:
FARIAS, Leonardo Guimarães de. A sorte não está do nosso lado: a distopia The hunger games como crítica à sociedade ocidental. 2019. 91f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Linguagem) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Farias, Leonardo Guimarães de
This dissertation aims, from the point of view that literature is a possible tool for denouncing
society problems (BOOKER, 1994a), to understand how The hunger games criticizes the
contemporary world, and, in order to do that, it intends to investigate the similarities between
the world of the novel and the historical context of its publication. The Hunger Games
(COLLINS, 2008) alludes to common to the discussions on the control and ideological
domination of capitalist society of the 21st century and to dystopian fiction. This work
understands dystopia as fictions influenced by utopian texts in which the presented society
is radically worse than the one of the authors and that seek to alert the reader about
problems of present. Based on the understanding that the dystopian themes change
according to their time, it is important to understand: which themes are usually present in
dystopias and what changes occurred in their approach through time; how the novel
discusses the motif of dystopic literature and how the it resignify the themes; finally a parallel
between the novel and the western society of the beginning of the 21st century is made. The
research used the studies of the philosopher Žižek and his modern Marxist influences to
understand post-9/11 society. In order to understand the relations between literature and
society, the theoretical studies on dystopias of Booker (1994a, 1994b), Gottlieb (2001) and
Suvin (2015) were examined. Finally, the studies of Averill (2013), Barbosa (2017), Gresh
(2012) and Olthouse (2013) were used to analyze the subjects discussed in the novel. It is
noticed that The hunger games criticizes the spectacularization of the reality and the
relations of power present in the society. In addition, the novel suggests a behavior based
on care and solidarity for the neighbour as a possibility to overcome these problems.